Listen while reading...
She doesn't know. Even if she knew, it wouldn't make any difference.
must never know. It's something that's never meant to be...
I hold
her in my arms, but she doesn't know. I feel her breathing next to me, I
feel her heartbeat next to mine. She's been here all along, but my eyes
couldn't see her. My heart could feel it, but my mind had no idea. She
doesn't know. She can't know. She'll run away. She can't run away, I'll
be lost without her. I feel like I'm floating. This can't ever be. But somehow, even in the darkest hour, her voice lights up my world. She makes me feel alive. She'll never get to know me, we'll never do all those amazing things we could do. I could have given her everything. Whatever she wanted. But she will never know all these feelings I have buried inside of me.
I could have been the one. I was there when she didn't even know. I could have been there first. The first to love her, the first to reassure her that everything's fine. But I was naive, I was fooling myself believing that something like this would pass. Now she's taken away from me. And she has no idea.
I'm just an observer now. I watch her sleep in my arms, so peaceful and weightless. I can't help but feel that we belong... But then the morning will come and she'll leave me here wonder. I won't sleep tonight. I'll stay here like this and try to memorize every inch of her face. Every movement, her sent, her breathing...
She doesn't know. But even if she knew, it wouldn't make any difference.