Monday, August 27, 2012


   I close my eyes... Every memory we made together passes before me. You were always there when I needed comfort, guidance, or just someone to listen. You were my parent, my friend, my protector, my lover. Everything I needed. Everything I ever dreamed of. No measure of time will ever be enough to make me forget all the feelings I have for you. My first love.

   I really knew very little before I loved you. I was another person. You changed me. You made me see things in a different way, a less childish one. I'm sad. But at the same time, I'm happy, too. I know there always will be a part of me in you. And I will always have a part of you, a part that I will treasure until my dying day. Because you made me realise what true love feels like. You loved me and accepted me without asking back. You gave me so much and I will always be grateful. It scares me that I have to go on without you but somehow I know I'll make it. I smile and wish that years from now we'll look back and have all those great memories.

I will always love you. I will always be grateful for all the things you gave me. I will always thank God for you coming into my life.
My one and only First Love.

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